02/05/2024 12:17
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PRESS CONFERENCE OF PRIME MINISTER: "The government, perhaps within 48 hours"  
The Prime Minister, Mr Yahya Ould Ahmed El Waghf, said that the next government will be formed of political parties who supported the President on the 1st and 2nd rounds of the presidential election of March 2007.
He said, after consultations it had with the directions of political parties and parliamentarians from both houses. Such discussions have revealed that a significant proportion of persons consulted did not support the enlargement of the majority at present in training other than those who supported the President in two rounds of election 2007.
In a press conference, the Prime Minister said, that in the light of these consultations, it was decided to form a government based on the representation of parties in the majority in the parliamentary level.
Mr Yahya Ould Ahmed El Waghf said that consultations on the effect of training the next cabinet will start on Wednesday with political parties concerned, adding that he hopes the Government will be formed within the next 48 hours.
Returning to the resignation of the outgoing government, the Prime Minister said that the objective of this measure was safeguarding the unity and cohesion of the majority. He stressed that as soon as he was instructed by the President of the Republic to form a government, he had begun intensive consultations with parliamentarians and political parties of the former majority on ways to equitable representation of political parties, which ensures cohesion and unity of the majority in order to promote the implementation of the policy that Mauritanians have chosen.
In response to questions from journalists, the Prime Minister revealed that the government will be formed by politicians with skills and know-how, stressing that it is still early enough to put forward names, the selection of members of the government to be Depending on proposals from the parties concerned.
The press conference was held in the presence of the parties of the UDP, PRDR, the APA, RD, the Democratic Centre, the Alternative and PNDD.
Source: AMI/PMD  


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